Week in Review 1/19/15 to 1/25/15

First things first, I have no idea what version of this blog you are looking for so if it looks the same, my apologies. If it looks shiny and new, fantastic! The two months after my initial WordPress migration snafu are up and you should be seeing a brand new version of this blog. However, the snafu seems to have continued a bit, so my big unveil is a bit anticlimactic.

Monday: Tempo with 5 by 5 minutes at T pace on the treadmill. 8 total. Legs after.

Tuesday: Recovery ski, 1 hour.

Wednesday: 9.2 mile run/skate in running shoes with LT.

Thursday: Workout! Warmed up then 5 by 3 minutes at I pace up and down Riverside. Down sections felt great, up sections were incredibly humbling. Legs after.

Friday: 3.5 mile recovery run.

Saturday: 5.5 mile run with 4 striders and arms afterward.

Sunday: 11 mile hilly long run on Spear Street. Felt great but got really chilled by the end.

Total: 45.2 miles

2 legs, 1 arms.

I wish this week featured a little more mileage but I’m happy to have gotten in a tempo run, speed work and a long(ish) run. With another incoming storm, it looks like I’ll spend much of the next week inside so I’ll adjust my workout plans accordingly.

Week in Review: 1/12/15 to 1/18/15

This week was all about making like Elsa and letting it go. I had hoped for a 53 mile week and ended up with only 36 and 3 consecutive days off. My schedule was crazier than usual this week and a Friday night wedding in New York City with 13 hours of driving in 24 hours meant that running got pushed to the back burner. So I’m calling it a cutback week and moving on!

Monday: 8 mile run with 6 by 90 seconds hard on the UVM bike path uphill. 90 seconds was exactly 400 meters, so I’m thrilled to be moving that well uphill and in snow. Legs after. Hiked up Cochran’s a bunch of times in the afternoon for the race.

Tuesday: 5 mile recovery run.

Wednesday: 9 mile midweek longer run. Skied with the team for 45 minutes after.

Thursday: Skied with the team for an hour.

Friday: Lifted arms and legs before we left for New York at 7 am.

Saturday: Nada.

Sunday: 14.25 mile long run with LT, Amy, Ryan, Erin and Laurel. Besides some major GI issues halfway through, I felt great. Probably the three days off…

Total Miles: 36.32

2 legs, 1 arms and lots of skiing this week.

Storm coming in tonight means I’ll likely be inside for my workout tomorrow. Might head to the track with my spikes to work on speed and hoping for two workouts this week. It seems like I need to get up earlier (ugh) and just get my run in before cases or I find myself dealing with too much test anxiety by the end of the day.

How do you make sure you get your runs in? Get up early? Push dinnertime? Treadmill at home?

Week in Review: 1/5/15 to 1/11/15

Despite an arctic blast that had us at -11 F (and -35 F “feels like”) and a cold that made me (and everyone around me) miserable, it was a great week of running!

Monday am: Super early 5.1 miler plus striders before case discussion at 7:30. Arms afterward.

Monday pm: Had a lot of reading in a review book to do, so did an hour on the bike to change it up.

Tuesday: Warmed up for my workout and realized I was much sicker than realized. Called it after 3 miles total.

Wednesday: 8 miles easy plus legs.

Thursday: Skied with the team for a bit then 5 miles indoors plus striders. Arms afterward.

Friday: One of the best workouts I’ve had in a long time! 8 miles total with warmup, then 2 by 10 at T pace and 5 minutes of cutdown plus cooldown. Legs afterward.

Saturday: 12.8 mile long run in the wind and cold on Spear Street. So grateful to have Amy, Ryan and Laurel with me!

Sunday: 6.1 mile eassssssy pace run around St. Mikes. Striders after.

Total Miles: 48

Arms: 2 times

Legs: 2 times

Striders: 3 times

I’m really thrilled with the way this week panned out, especially given my cold. I’m still totally stuffed up but feeling a lot better than I was midweek. I got my miles up another click, had a very solid workout on Friday and most importantly, did a good job of getting the extras in. I’m finding that if I go directly downstairs after my run or finish my run at the gym, I’m much better about getting lifting in. For this coming week, I’ll keep inching mileage up, hope to get two workouts in and add drills before those workouts.

How was your week?

Week in Review 12/29 to 1/4/2015

As weeks in running go, this one was pretty exciting. I looked back over 2014, kicked off the new year with a race win and finally put another race on the calendar. In so doing, I’m feeling a lot more motivated to get out there which coincides perfectly with the arctic blast headed our way. No temps above 20 for the foreseeable future = potential for quite a bit of indoor running.

Monday: Super icy early morning. Cars all over the road but I avoided disaster. 7.7 miles with a mile of 200 ins and outs plus glutes, balance and a foam roll session.

Tuesday: Ski race at Mount Hor so skied the course, then ran to the top and back while coaching. 2 miles of running, god knows how many of skiing.

Wednesday: Hour of classic skiing plus 5.8 mile run with striders. Arms afterward.

Thursday: First Run! 2.5 mile warm up, 5K in 19:11, 1.5 mile cooldown for 7.2 miles. Happy to find out I can still run a 5:49 mile…Glutes and legs afterward.

Friday: 4.2 mile recovery run around campus then skied to the Cabin at Trapps. Hairy conditions, so happy not to fall.

Saturday: 11.3 mile long run. Absolutely frigid out. Definitely did not eat enough Friday night to fuel a long run!

Sunday: Rest day before kicking off the spring cycle.

Total Miles: 38.15

Two leg sessions and 1 arm session.

Happy with the way this week went and even happier to feel ready to train again. I’ll spend the next 6 weeks rebuilding a strong foundation (fartleks, hill runs, basic tempo) as I look forward to the 10 miler on February 22nd.

Week in Review 12.22.14 to 12.28.14

The odd weather continues, with almost a week of springlike running that melted literally all of the two feet of snow we got last week. Since we’re scheduled to cool off tomorrow, it’s a blessing that the snow melted and won’t turn into a glare of ice but it’s still odd to have 40 degree temps at the end of December.

Monday: 6 mile golf course run with striders in the last mile.

Tuesday: 5 mile fartlek workout. 2 by 5 at T pace, 2 by 2 at T+ and 2 by 1 at I pace. Ran out of my inhaler so a little wheezy but a good workout regardless. Lifted legs afterward.

Wednesday: 4.25 mile run in the rain. Miserable weather!

Thursday: 9.1 mile run around the Fort. Lifted arms at home.

Friday: 4 mile fartlek dog run. New glute routine afterward.

Saturday: 4 mile run between studying and the wedding. Legs pretty tired from the glute work on Friday.

Sunday: 10 mile long run with Will. Arms afterward.

Total: 42.4 miles

Almost a legitimate week of running! I’m really happy with getting in that much lifting and starting up small workouts again. I’m still debating what I want 2015 to look like but I’m starting to move out of maintenance phase into basebuilding and feel really strong and almost mentally ready to grind out workouts again. Somehow I got roped into running a 5K on New Year’s Day, so look forward to the glorious recap of a race distance I haven’t trained for in 8 years on top of red wine.

How was your holiday week of running? Anyone else running a race on New Years Day?

Week in Review: 12.15.14 to 12.21.14

Winter running is in full effect, including stutter step runs across ice and so many layers that one looks a bit like the kid in the Christmas Story.

Monday: 6.8 miles.

Tuesday: Workout! Ran to gym then 2 by 10 minutes on the treadmill at 170 bpm (T Pace) which turned out to be 6:40 pace. A little slower than in cycle but that’s to be expected. Lifted arms after.

Wednesday: Cross training, skied with the team.

Thursday: 4.25 mile recovery run plus hour ski with the team afterward.

Friday: 7 mile run. Legs wiped from a week of doubling.

Saturday: Hour of skiing at Sleepy then with Will. Scar and FHL bugging me.

Sunday: 9 mile run.

Total: 33.4 miles of running, 4 hours of skiing.

Happy to get some longer runs in this week and my first workout back. My foot is struggling with skiing right now (just hasn’t had to push off like that in a year), but hoping some stretching and scar cross friction will help resolve that. Looking forward to a week with a less insane schedule so that I can keep getting longer runs in.

Week in Review: 12.8.14 to 12.14.14

Whelp. It was almost a great week of running! The week started with some good runs and we even managed to run outside throughout the entire three day storm that socked Burlington and I was looking forward to a weekend of great runs. And ran exactly 0 miles on Saturday and Sunday. Goodbye Streak. On Saturday, I coached our first nordic race of the season at Craftsbury and my ankle BLEW up on the first lap. I think it’s fine but just wasn’t used to the amount of pushing off I was asking of it. When I got home, I decided it was silly to run a mile for a Streak and risk an injury and figured I’d just make it up with a slightly longer long run on Sunday. On Saturday night, a friend had a medical emergency and I spent the night with him in the Emergency Room. Everyone was wiped by 6 am and I slept for a few hours, losing the precious time I cut out of studying for running.

Life goes on. Ultimately, I’m still in my relative rest period until the new year and there are things far more important than hitting arbitrary mileage. I’m starting to get used to my new studying routine and hopeful that the new running routine that I’ve built around it will continue to help me get a solid run in each day. I’m also excited for the New England Grand Prix to get announced this week so that I can solidify my race schedule!

Monday: Freezing cold 5 mile extended campus loop with Will.

Tuesday: Snuck in 7.2 slippery miles before the storm really set in.

Wednesday: 5.3 miles in the midst of the snowstorm. Lifted arms in the basement.

Having a gym in our basement is a game changer. Still looking for a treadmill and our collection will be complete.

Having a gym in our basement is a game changer. Still looking for a treadmill and our collection will be complete.

Thursday: 3.5 miles in the slush/ice/snow. Ankle starting to bug me from so much stabilization. Core in the basement.

Friday: 6 mile loop through Winooski. Finally starting to get cleared, but still rocking Icebugs.

Saturday: Skiing at Craftsbury for 6 hours.

Sun trying to come out on Saturday. Awesome early snow made for great skiing.

Sun trying to come out on Saturday. Awesome early snow made for great skiing.

Sunday: Lots of hours in my desk chair.

Total Miles: 27

Week in Review: 12.1.14 to 12.7.14

I’m struggling to believe we’ve made it to the last month of 2014 when I feel like it just began. To help me get oriented, Mother Nature is in full winter effect. Precipitation yesterday plus plummeting temperatures turned Burlington into the set of Frozen and I spent much of my long run today tiptoeing across sheets of ice. On Tuesday into Wednesday, we’re looking at a bomber of a storm, with 2 inches of snow an hour.

Iced over driveway this morning. Didn't get much better throughout the day.

Iced over driveway this morning. Didn’t get much better throughout the day.

I ended November with 154 miles, including a full week of off days, some of my lowest miles since surgery. It’s been fun going out for 2 to 3 mile runs.

Monday: 4 mile run with nordic team, 5 minutes of tuck drills, 200 crunches and 100 pushups.

Tuesday: 6.4 mile run. Stomach felt horrible.

Wednesday: Easy 4 mile run with the team.

Thursday: 2.5 mile run. Stomach bug in full effect.

Friday: 5 mile run followed by 2 mile run with hill bounding in between at practice. 200 crunches/100 pushups.

Saturday: 3.5 mile run in the slush and ice. Scary.

Sunday: 10 mile long run in feels like 4 temps and ice with Laurel. Did an hour outside then went indoors to finish up because we were freezing. Lifted arms afterward.

Total Miles: 37.4

Slowly getting back into it. I’d hoped for 40 miles this week but didn’t quite get there. I’m struggling to balance boards studying with school, running and coaching but starting to figure out a schedule. Aiming for 42 miles this coming week (10%), but will have to be flexible with the forecast. Looks like I have to get out Tuesday morning if I’m running that day!

Who’s still streaking? How’s the weather where you are?

Week in Review: 11.24.14 to 11.30.14

Happy Thanksgiving Week! I hope everyone had a great week with family, food and some rest from work. We hosted at our house, which included roasting a 23 pound bird (!!!!), mashing 10 pounds of potatoes and a lot of laughter.

Dad holding court at the head of the table.

Dad holding court at the head of the table.

Monday: 4 miles at MMU with some uptempo sections with the girls. Weirdest, warmest weather ever.

Tuesday: 4.5 miles with a mile of 200 ins/outs on the track with Will. Feeling super clunky.

Wednesday: 3.5 miles at Mills Riverside Park plus striders. Snow rolling in over Mansfield and the first really cold day.

Thursday: First snow run! 5.5 miles through Burlington before dinner to kick off the #RWRunStreak that I’m taking part in this year. Cold enough that I had to break out my winter running jacket!

Friday: 1 mile shakeout run in Norwalk, Connecticut on our way down to Footlocker.

Saturday: 5 miles in Van Cortlandt Park coaching Footlocker. SO fun to be back there and to feel the Footlocker energy.

Tortoise and the Hare Statue at Van Cortlandt after an awesome day of racing.

Tortoise and the Hare Statue at Van Cortlandt after an awesome day of racing.

Sunday: 3 mile campus loop. Wiped from New York trip.

Total Miles: 26.5 miles.

I’m still enjoying my off-season but ready to get back to a more normal schedule for this coming week. I’ll aim for about 35 miles with a longer run and a fartlek workout just to remind my legs that they can turnover plus some visits to the gym to rebuild the chassis before we start spring training. Nordic also starts this week, which means that I’ll be crippled from dry land.

Who else is streaking with me? Any great runs over the past week?

Week in Review: 11.3.14 to 11.9.14

Finally feeling a little more like a real runner again including 2 runs where I felt borderline good!

Monday: Warmup, 6 minutes at MP then 4 by 800 at T pace and cool down. Quad finally calming down. 7.5 miles.

Tuesday: Clunky 7.4 mile recovery run.

Wednesday: Warmup, 3 by T pace on the track (6:07 pace) then a mile of 200 ins/outs plus cooldown. Then jetted out to MMU to coach and get another 4 in. 12.5 miles total.

Thursday: 7 mile recovery run in the sleety/windy/rain.

Friday: 7 mile run. Legs feeling pretty good!

Saturday: Warmup, then paced Flan to her first sub 21! Cooled down for a total of 7.7.

All smiles post race.

All smiles post race.

Sunday: Lovely long run on the Bike Path for World Run Day with the Olde Bones girls. 12.7 miles.

Total Miles: 62

Happy to have gotten a little more work in this week. It wasn’t as structured as I would like but glad to vary my pace a little and to see my regular run pace dropping back down. I’ll get a couple of early workouts in this week then taper for Vegas!