Week in Review: 12.1.14 to 12.7.14

I’m struggling to believe we’ve made it to the last month of 2014 when I feel like it just began. To help me get oriented, Mother Nature is in full winter effect. Precipitation yesterday plus plummeting temperatures turned Burlington into the set of Frozen and I spent much of my long run today tiptoeing across sheets of ice. On Tuesday into Wednesday, we’re looking at a bomber of a storm, with 2 inches of snow an hour.

Iced over driveway this morning. Didn't get much better throughout the day.

Iced over driveway this morning. Didn’t get much better throughout the day.

I ended November with 154 miles, including a full week of off days, some of my lowest miles since surgery. It’s been fun going out for 2 to 3 mile runs.

Monday: 4 mile run with nordic team, 5 minutes of tuck drills, 200 crunches and 100 pushups.

Tuesday: 6.4 mile run. Stomach felt horrible.

Wednesday: Easy 4 mile run with the team.

Thursday: 2.5 mile run. Stomach bug in full effect.

Friday: 5 mile run followed by 2 mile run with hill bounding in between at practice. 200 crunches/100 pushups.

Saturday: 3.5 mile run in the slush and ice. Scary.

Sunday: 10 mile long run in feels like 4 temps and ice with Laurel. Did an hour outside then went indoors to finish up because we were freezing. Lifted arms afterward.

Total Miles: 37.4

Slowly getting back into it. I’d hoped for 40 miles this week but didn’t quite get there. I’m struggling to balance boards studying with school, running and coaching but starting to figure out a schedule. Aiming for 42 miles this coming week (10%), but will have to be flexible with the forecast. Looks like I have to get out Tuesday morning if I’m running that day!

Who’s still streaking? How’s the weather where you are?

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