Week in Review 8.25.14 to 8.31.14

I was having a hissy fit when I started to write this up. Truly. I was sitting at my desk half in tears and debating whether I should even attempt my fall marathon. My race this morning was THAT bad. Then I looked at my training log to write this post and realized I capped a 78 mile week off with a race, which capped off a 331 mile month. What precisely did I expect my legs to feel like? Anyway, hissy fit almost resolved and I didn’t do anything stupid like pull my entries.

Monday: 11.25 miles recovery paced. Hip core routine after.

Tuesday AM: 8 miles on the 15K course. Arms after. All done by 8 am and feeling really accomplished.

Tuesday PM: 5 miles with the girls followed by beach abs routine.

Wednesday: Scheduled off day, prorated at 10.3

Thursday: Monster tempo run. 3 by 2 mile at T pace, for which I used a heart rate monitor and kept it at 168-170. What a low stress way to get a workout done!!! Definitely doing that for the remainder of this cycle. 13 miles.

Friday: 8 miles recovery pace.

Saturday: 7 miles through Hinesburg before coaching at the CVU Relays all morning. Girls kicked ass. I need to bottle some of that get-up.

Sunday: Labor Day 15K. Fricken disaster. Felt awful from about .5 miles in and just slogged through. 1:02:55, 19th place. Race report tomorrow when I’m done being so dramatic.

78 miles.

Arm lift.

Hip core and beach abs.

Today marks 6 weeks from race day, which means about 3 more weeks of really hard work. When Will can count off my workouts on his fingers, it starts to feel real. I wish it felt real in a more positive sense today, but one way or another, October is coming. Here’s hoping this insane humidity decides to leave the area soon so I can have some kick ass workouts and race simulators.


  1. Not sure if it helps, but 19th in any NE Gran Prix is no place to be ashamed of, even if the time was slower than you wanted! One of the best parts of marathon training is that one bad race, workout, or week even, does not mean your training is way off. I can mostly relate to the race today too, after the mile of hills that was mile 4, it took me two miles just to bounce back. I thought I was in big pr shape after my last few workouts and that was a total confidence killer. My pace was two seconds a mile slower than the first 15k of my current half PR from six months ago. :/ Just trying to dwell on the fact that I came back under goal pace by the end and that this was an 84 mile with three hard workouts and a humid day and hilly course. But yeah, ugh, I’m not done moping about it yet and stressing about fall goals. Anyhow, sounds like you’re still right on track.

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